The Hardest Time Of The Year
I'm sure many of you have heard the song. It's the most wonderful time of the year. The song says and everyone telling you be of good cheer. It's the most wonderful time of the year. It’s the happiest season of all. But is it really? Many times during this time of year people experience grief, financial stress, and anxiety that they won’t be able to cook the perfect holiday dinner, or that the person they got a gift for won’t like it, or that it won’t be good enough for their children. While the holidays can be a magical time of the year, for many of us they are the hardest time of the year.
When spirits are low this time of year, oftentimes many find themselves wrestling with the question what is wrong with me. But is there really anything wrong with not feeling joy this time of year? The song goes on to talk about when friends come to call. But what happens when the friends stop calling? Sometimes relationships change as life gets busy and sometimes friends don’t always have time for each other. Relationships can be hard to manage as people struggle with balancing their lives between work, children or taking care of aging loved ones. Loneliness can set in as phone calls dwindle. What happens when loved ones stop calling because they have died and can’t call. Shouldn’t it be okay to be sad, angry, or sorrowful about these changes? The song goes on to say there are parties for hosting. What does a party entail? Parties are work, planning, and can be expensive. For many, having to throw a holiday party adds stress to our lives. Stress of how to pay for a party that people feel like their family needs or deserves. Planning takes time when so many of us have so little of this valuable resource. Life can already be so unbalanced without the addition of the holiday. Some will look for familiar faces and reflect on bittersweet memories and long for a life that no longer exists.
Despite what the song says. Life is not as simple as just experiencing joy at the holidays as much as we would all like to and not every holiday is a good one for every person. Please be kind to yourself this time of the year, the hardest time of the year. Many focus on the giving of the season, this season if you are struggling give yourself the gift of grace. Remember your feelings are okay, they are valid,they do not need to be hidden, and you are not alone. If you are struggling with these emotions please reach out to someone whether that be a friend, family member, or professional. Support can be an essential tool to help navigate these difficult times especially when the holidays can make this the hardest time of the year.